Diagnosing Medically, Treating Naturally

Susan Garrad Women's Health Naturally

Susan Garrad
(B.Nat, B.A MNHAA)

Welcome to Women’s Health, Naturally
Home of Susan Garrad
(Hormone and Fertility Specialist)

Susan Garrad is a highly qualified Naturopath and Nutritionist who has been in clinical practice specialising in women’s health, hormones and fertility for over 17 years.

She is passionate about helping tired, run down and exhausted women balance their hormones, boost their fertility, improve their energy, digestion and health.

Susan treats women face to face in her Norwood, Adelaide clinic, or by Telehealth.

“I diagnose medically using the latest in-depth scientific testing methods and then treat naturally with practitioner-strength natural medications that have worked for centuries. That’s why my success rates and client satisfaction are so high.

I treat every woman individually and take the time to understand who you are so I can gain a clear understanding of your health problems.”

Your consultations will include an in depth assessment of your health,
see “How I work” for more info

Life is too short to spend it being ruled by your hormones, feeling tired & fatigued and struggling with your weight. Book an appointment and together I’ll help you regain your health and vitality starting now!

What I Treat

Women's Health Naturally
Intense period pain and heavy bleeding are symptoms of Endometriosis - one of the most common gynaecological problems in Australia.
Women's Health Naturally
PMS (Pre Menstrual Sydrome) symptoms such as bloating, headaches, tender and full breasts, irritability, mood swings, anxiety and depression are all too common.
Period Pain
Women's Health Naturally
Do you dread getting your period every month? Then you may have a hormone imbalance.
Women's Health Naturally
I have an 80 percent success rate for helping couples conceive naturally.
Women's Health Naturally
PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) affects one in every seven Australian women and is the number one cause of female infertility.
Women's Health Naturally
Hot sweats, broken sleep, fatigue, weight gain, irritability, vaginal dryness and low libido are all signs you are going through menopause.
Low Thyroid
Women's Health Naturally
You may have low thyroid function if you gain weight easily, are always tired, depressed, and brain foggy.
Women's Health Naturally
Pregnancy can be a challenging time as your body grows and changes in so many ways that may seem beyond your control.
IVF Support
Women's Health Naturally
For some couples it is necessary to use IVF or ICSI to conceive and it can feel like the stakes are high.
Medical Weight Loss
Women's Health Naturally
Have you tried every diet going with no success?
